Welcome to Yesu Christian.

On this page you will be able to read about people who have met Yesu or Jesus and had their lives transformed.

Yesu (Jesus) was born into this world, 2000 years ago, with a purpose, and that was to save you and me from sin and eternal punishment. He was born of a virgin named Mary but was conceived by the Spirit of God. Jesus lived a sinless life. His mission to earth was to become a substitute for you and me and pay the price for the sin of all people. By dying, executed on a cross, he made it possible for all people to go to heaven when we die and live forever. He did this because of his great love for you.

In John 3:16 in the Bible it says.
God so loved the world that he sent his only son Jesus so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Think about this,God sacrificed his own son to save sinners like you and me. Jesus went to death voluntarily to save you.

In many religions, you have to earn your place in heaven by doing good works. Jesus gave you salvation freely as a gift that no one can earn. Only by receiving the gift and accepting what he has done for you and believing in it, gives you the right to become a child of God.
Jesus rose from the dead three days after his death and is alive today.

On this page you will read testimonies and watch videos from people who have met Jesus today. We want you too to have a transformed life with Yesu (Jesus).